It’s a revelation for many people. There’s an unseen dimension now saturated with man-made electromagnetic fields (EMFs). They surround each of us. It’s in our homes, offices, shops and even our places of worship. EMFs weren’t a part of the human experience in times past. Now they’re becoming almost impossible to avoid. It’s not surprising that people are beginning to recognize the danger of the ever increasing EMF levels and are wondering how they can reduce their exposure. Review the FAQs below to learn more.

What services do you offer?

EMF home assessment – We come to your home and evaluate EMF threats where you spend the most time. Using professional tools and techniques we measure and document the strength of magnetic, electric and RF fields as well as the dirty electricity levels in the home.

We help you to understand what causes these threats, and what can be done to avoid or reduce them.

EMF land assessment – If you’re planning the construction of a new home, you’ll want to choose the right parcel of land. We evaluate and document field strength of magnetic, electric and RF fields and help you compare two or more parcels from an EMF perspective to help you make the best choice for lower EMF exposure.

EMF new construction planning and review – there are many things you can do in the planning and construction phases to cost-effectively lower EMF exposure. Let us help you build EMF protection into your new home. We consult with your design and construction teams during planning and construction.

What is a magnetic field?

A/C Magnetic Fields occur whenever electricity is being used. The more electricity being used (current), the greater the magnetic field potential. When a home is wired properly (according to the National Electrical Code) magnetic fields from the wiring will automatically be minimized.

However, certain types of appliances create magnetic fields even if wired correctly. Overhead power lines, transformers, your home’s main electrical panel, power supplies, and certain types of dirty electricity filters can also create magnetic fields.

Certain common wiring errors result in magnetic fields which can impact large areas of the home.

What is an electric field?

Electric Fields (EF) emanate from power lines, wiring, power cables, power strips, extension cords and electrical devices. Homes typically have unshielded wiring in the walls, ceiling, and under the floor — surrounding occupants with a continuously oscillating field of electrical energy. Unlike MF, EF is at full strength even when electricity is not being used (no current flowing).

Unplugging seldom-used electrical devices when not in use is a simple way to reduce electric fields. Opening branch circuits at night (with appropriate equipment) may allow you to reduce electric fields in sleeping areas at night. Eliminating extension cords, or replacing with shielded cords will help reduce EF.

What is microwave radiation (also known as RF)?

Radio Frequency (microwave) Radiation is used to cook food. Strangely, we’ve also made it the foundation for wireless communication and so-called ‘smart’ devices like smart phones, smart meters, smart watches and smart homes. Wi-Fi routers, bluetooth devices, wireless baby monitors, cell phones, portable phones, weather stations, wireless security cameras, key fobs, cars and many hearing aids emit RF radiation.

As with all other types of radiation, proximity is a key factor. The closer the source of radiation, the higher the exposure. Choose carefully what radiation emitting devices, if any, you allow in your home. Consider shielding for sources outside your home, beginning with your electric meter.

Duration is a key factor as well. Turning off a Wi-Fi router at night reduces exposure vs. leaving the router on continuously. Even better is to connect to your router by a wired connection — completely eliminating the RF radiation from the router.

What is dirty electricity?

Dirty Electricity (DE) is electricity contaminated by high-frequency voltage transients. These transients are most often caused by switch mode power supplies which are commonly found in LED lighting, fluorescent lighting, power inverters, chargers, personal computers, variable speed motors and all electronic devices.

DE propagates through all wiring in your home. It can even contaminate your neighbors’ power and vice-versa.

Reducing DE can be accomplished by replacing, removing, or limiting the use of offending devices. In some cases special DE filters may be helpful.

What EMF evaluation guidelines do you use?

Major sources of input concerning our EMF evaluation guidelines have been the Bioinitiative (bioinitiative.org) and Building Biology (Building Biologist and Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist). We use these guidelines when assessing homes and residential property:

Magnetic field (3D)

<0.20 mG Ideal <0.20 – 1.00 mG Slight Concern <1.00 – 5.00 mG Severe Concern >5.00 mG Extreme Concern

Electric Field (3D, potential free):

<0.3 V/m — Ideal <1.5 V/m — Slight Concern <10 V/m — Severe Concern >10 V/m — Extreme Concern

Radiofrequency (also called RF or Microwave) Radiation

<0.1 uW per meter squared Ideal 0.1-10 uW per meter squared Slight Concern 10-1000 uW per meter squared Severe Concern >1000 uW per meter squared Extreme Concern

Dirty Electricity

<60 mV Ideal 60-500 mV Slight Concern 500-1000 mV Severe Concern >1000 mV Extreme Concern